Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Cancer A Common Disease - 1135 Words
Today all around the world cancer is increasingly a more common disease that has affected many and affecting more each day. Cancer takes the lives of almost ten millions each year. Cancer is a disease that is caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells that divide exponentially. It has the ability to spread to different parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems. Cancer has become such a common disease that it can be inherited by genetics, but it can also be contracted by poor dieting, tobacco use, expulsion to UV rays, and X-Rays, and also environmental carcinogens. With every disease come many forms of signs and symptoms. Symptoms of cancers vary from women and men, but unexplained weight loss, fever, usually fatigues, skin changes, change of bowel habits, and sores that do not heals are some of many symptoms of cancer. Seeking cancer treatment may be a life or death decision. There are many ways to treat cancer or reduce the chance of death. Cancer is highly tr eatable; two best options treating cancer are typically surgery and chemotherapy. Cancer is mainly known as a large group of unregulated cell growth. Cancerous cells can form, divide, and grow uncontrollably throughout the body, which forms tumors that could become progressively worse by time. There are two types of tumors linked to cancer also known as malignant and benign tumors. Malignant tumors invade the nearby parts of the body, and may also spread to more distant parts of the body throughShow MoreRelatedBreast Cancer : A Common Disease1910 Words  | 8 PagesCancer is a common disease in today’s society, more specifically breast cancer. We see people with little pink ribbons or a dedicated shirts to it on the street, stickers on cars, we even have a whole month dedicated to raise awareness about it, but what really is breast cancer? How long has it been around? How does it affect its victim? 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